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Henk Kombrink

Henk Kombrink

Petroleum geologist


Henk is a petroleum geologist and brings 15 years of experience in regional geological mapping across Northwest Europe. Having worked in academia, the government, an oil major and now in the consulting business has brought him a profound insight into how the subsurface is being looked at from different points of view. Throughout his career, Henk has always combined technical expertise with the ability to report on findings effectively, both in presentations as well as in written format. He is an expert of the geology of the North Sea and adjoining areas and has published multiple peer-reviewed papers on the area.

Currently he is the technical project manager of an Oil and Gas Authority-funded project (2016-2019) where geological maps and data sets are being produced for the whole of the UK Continental Shelf. This project enables Henk to further develop his knowledge about UKCS geology as well as data integration and mapping in GIS and project management. Besides work, Henk is a trustee of the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain and initiator of the project to use unwanted North Sea core for teaching and education.

My passion to better understand the subsurface drives me to provide insightful data to our clients.


Fellow of the Geological Society (FGS)





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